Weight Lifting For Fat Loss

weight lifting for fat loss Increased metabolic rate The first reason weight lifting is a good option for fat loss is because it boosts metabolic rate both over the short term as well as over the long term. In the hours after an intense weight-lifting session you will experience an increase in metabolic rate. Whats more, weight lifting will help you maintain your total amount of lean muscle mass, creating a permanent increase in metabolism. Cardio training will only cause a short rise in metabolic rate for an hour or two after the session, taking away from the overall calorie-burning benefits compared with resistance training. Often, overdoing cardio will actually decrease your total lean body mass, so you could see a reduction in metabolism over time working against your fat loss efforts. Altered body composition The second reason to choose weight lifting for fat loss purposes is because, while cardio may make you lose weight, weight lifting will help you lose body fat, altering your body composition .
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.askmen.com/sports/bodybuilding_250/295_weightlifting-for-fat-loss.html

Healthy eating and exercise – warp speed fat loss reveals effective solutions to lose weight

but also ways to practice exercises for burning your stubborn fat. Combining 2 weight loss methods, you will be able to warp your fat, reduce belly fat, get in shape and enjoy your lean body soon. Lets see exactly how Warp Speed Fat Loss will help you as follows: You will discover tips on shifting your carbohydrate intake that fuel your fat burning workouts while burning your stored body fat. The program guides you on how to boost your metabolism by eating specific foods. Trainers will learn how to extract the fat loss benefits from very low carb diets.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.pressbox.co.uk/detailed/Health/Healthy_eating_and_exercise_warp_speed_fat_loss_reveals_effective_solutions_to_lose_weight_1372267.html

Fat Loss: Solved

But what that doesn’t tell you, he says, is that while cardio burns more fat as a percentage of total calories burned, it burns far fewer calories than more intense exercise, meaning you burn less fat overall. “Slow cardio burns very few calories,” says certified strength and conditioning specialist Craig Ballantyne, owner of TurbulenceTraining.com and author of the book “Turbulence Training.” And unlike other forms of exercise, which keep burning calories after your workout, inefficient cardio sessions stop chipping away at fat as soon as you step off the machine. The solution: Do a mix of strength training and interval cardio for efficient burning during your workout and after. “The best thing to do is metabolic resistance training, where you do supersets and circuits of intense, total-body exercises, with incomplete recovery so you get a lot of work done in a short amount of time,” Ballantyne says. In workouts such as these, you move to the next exercise while you’re still somewhat breathless from the previous one, mixing cardio work into a strength workout that builds muscle — muscle that feeds on calories and fat to grow even after the workout ends. For a similar effect on a cardio machine, Arent says, alternate short bursts of intense cardio effort with slower intervals of recovery time.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.livestrong.com/article/553139-fat-loss-solved/

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